Results for 'Avery E. Plaw'

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  1.  51
    Upholding the Principle of Distinction in Counter-Terrorist Operations: A Dialogue.Avery Plaw - 2010 - Journal of Military Ethics 9 (1):3-22.
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    Why Monist Critiques Feed Value Pluralism.Avery Plaw - 2004 - Social Theory and Practice 30 (1):105-126.
  3.  13
    Film as Ethical Argument.Avery Plaw - 2007 - Film and Philosophy 11:121-138.
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    Terminating Terror
    The Legality, Ethics and Effectiveness of Targeting Terrorists.
    Avery Plaw - 2007 - Theoria 54 (114):1-27.
    In the ongoing war on terror both the American and Israeli governments have resorted to a policy of ‘targeting terrorists’. In essence, both governments authorize their military or intelligence services to kill specific ‘terrorists’ who they believe mortally threaten citizens and cannot otherwise be neutralized. President Bush calls this ‘sudden justice’ and the Israeli government ‘targeted killing’ but their critics speak of ‘assassination’, ‘liquidation’ or ‘extra-judicial killing’. Since 11 September 2001, America is reported to have killed at least 44 people (...)
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    Does justice stand alone?Avery Plaw - 2015 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 18 (1):57-73.
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    Learning to Live with Drones: Answering Jeremy Waldron and the Neutralist Critique.Avery Plaw & João Franco Reis - 2015 - Journal of Military Ethics 14 (2):128-145.
    ABSTRACTAmong the most forceful and provocative criticisms that have been leveled at US drone strikes against alleged terrorists far from conventional battlefields has been Jeremy Waldron's charge that they cannot be justified in terms of a neutral principle that most reasonable people would accept. In essence, Waldron asks ‘whether we are comfortable with [such a norm] in the hands of our enemies’. He thinks most people will say ‘no’ and that this is a reason not to embrace a permissive norm (...)
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    (1 other version)Michael Ignatieff,The Lesser Evil: Political Ethics in an Age of Terror.Avery Plaw - 2005 - Politics and Ethics Review 1 (1):103-106.
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    (1 other version)Re-Visiting Berlin: Why Two Liberties are Better than One.Avery Plaw - 2005 - Politics and Ethics Review 1 (2):138-157.
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    Lukes’s Three-Dimensional Model of Power Redux. [REVIEW]Avery Plaw - 2007 - Social Theory and Practice 33 (3):489-500.
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    Shall We Dance? A Patriotic Politics for Canada Charles Blattberg Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2003, 160 pp., $65.00. [REVIEW]Avery Plaw - 2005 - Dialogue 44 (4):784-.
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  11. Democracy in American Life.Avery Craven & Charles E. Merriam - 1942 - Ethics 52 (2):231-232.
  12.  45
    Temporal Dynamics of Emotional Processing in the Brain.Christian E. Waugh, Elaine Z. Shing & Brad M. Avery - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (4):323-329.
    Emotion theorists have long held that a fundamental characteristic of an emotion is how its constituent processes change and interact over time. Assessing these temporal dynamics of emotion in the brain is critical for understanding the neural representation of emotions as well as advancing theories of emotional processing. We review the neuroimaging research on three temporal dynamic features of emotion: time of onset, duration, and resurgence and show how assessing these temporal dynamics in the brain have led to improved understanding (...)
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  13.  33
    Sex Differences in Resting-State Functional Connectivity of the Cerebellum in Autism Spectrum Disorder.Rachel E. W. Smith, Jason A. Avery, Gregory L. Wallace, Lauren Kenworthy, Stephen J. Gotts & Alex Martin - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  14.  78
    Descartes’s First Meditation.Avery Fouts - 2004 - International Philosophical Quarterly 44 (2):223-238.
    Based on an earlier analysis that tries to show that existence is a real predicate, I now argue that Descartes’s dream and malicious demon arguments are fallacious. An object that stands external to me (i.e., that exists) is the one thing that I cannot produce by my dreams, and, on phenomenological grounds, I am immediately experiencing an existing object right now. Therefore, in accepting that it is a logical possibility that I am dreaming, either I illicitly conflate an existing object (...)
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    Human olfactory discrimination of genetic variation within Cannabis strains.Anna L. Schwabe, Samantha K. Naibauer, Mitchell E. McGlaughlin & Avery N. Gilbert - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Cannabis sativa L. is grown and marketed under a large number of named strains. Strains are often associated with phenotypic traits of interest to consumers, such as aroma and cannabinoid content. Yet genetic inconsistencies have been noted within named strains. We asked whether genetically inconsistent samples of a commercial strain also display inconsistent aroma profiles. We genotyped 32 samples using variable microsatellite regions to determine a consensus strain genotype and identify genetic outliers for four strains. Results were used to select (...)
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  16.  39
    Thomas Jefferson's Freethought Legacy: A Saying Per Day by the Sage of Monticello by Roger E. Greeley [Review]. [REVIEW]Jon Avery - 1996 - Newsletter of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy 24 (74):34-35.
  17.  38
    Books for review and for listing here should be addressed to David Boersema, Review Editor, Department of Philosophy, Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon 97116.Michael J. Almeida, Maria Rosa Antognazza, Kim Atkins, Catriona Mac-Kenzie, Randall E. Auxier, Phillip S. Seng, Desmond Avery & H. E. Baber - 2009 - Teaching Philosophy 32 (4):427.
  18.  8
    (1 other version)Nativeness as Gradient: Towards a More Complete Value Assessment of Species in a Rapidly Changing World.Avery P. Hill - 2024 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 38 (1):1-19.
    Conservation biologists recognize a duty to maintain as much value as possible in ecosystems that are threatened by recent anthropogenic impacts. Until recently the paradigm of contemporary conservation seemed relatively straightforward: the best way to maintain the value of species and ecosystems at a given location was to maintain—or shepherd the system back towards—historical conditions. Among the most difficult theoretical tasks was the determination of “baseline” historical conditions (or trajectories) to return to, recognizing the dynamism of ecosystems over time. However, (...)
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  19. The Rational Significance of Desire.Avery Archer - 2013 - Dissertation, Columbia University
    My dissertation addresses the question "do desires provide reasons?" I present two independent lines of argument in support of the conclusion that they do not. The first line of argument emerges from the way I circumscribe the concept of a desire. Complications aside, I conceive of a desire as a member of a family of attitudes that have imperative content, understood as content that displays doability-conditions rather than truth-conditions. Moreover, I hold that an attitude may provide reasons only if it (...)
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    Courtney S. Campbell, Ph. D., is Professor and Director, Program for Ethics, Science, and the Environment, Department of Philosophy, Oregon State Uni-versity, Corvallis, Oregon. Jean E. Chambers, Ph. D., is Associate Professor in the Philosophy Department of the State University of New York, Oswego. She is currently working on. [REVIEW]John Harris, Bryan Hilliard, Søren Holm, Kenneth V. Iserson, Avery Kolers, Greg Loeben, Peter Montague & John C. Moskop - 2003 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 12:329-330.
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    Valuing processes.Martin E. Sandbu - 2007 - Economics and Philosophy 23 (2):205-235.
    Conventional economic theory assumes that people care only about ultimate outcomes and are indifferent to the decision and allocation processes by which outcomes are brought about. Building on Sen (1997), I relax this assumption, and investigate the formal and philosophical issues that arise. I extend the formal apparatus of preference theory to analyse how processes may enter preferences, and investigate whether traditional invariance requirements like the Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference are still satisfied in this new setting. I show that (...)
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  22.  27
    Paul-André Rosental. A Human Garden: French Policy and the Transatlantic Legacies of Eugenic Experimentation. Translated by Carolyn Avery. Foreword by Theodore M. Porter. (Berghahn Monographs in French Studies, 16.) 248 pp., illus., bibl., index. New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2019. $135 (cloth); ISBN 9781789205435. E-book available. [REVIEW]Alice L. Conklin - 2021 - Isis 112 (1):206-207.
  23.  18
    Book Review:Democracy in American Life. Avery Craven; What Is Democracy? Charles E. Merriam. [REVIEW]Glenn Negley - 1942 - Ethics 52 (2):231-.
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    On the Scientific Method, Its Practice and Pitfalls.Francisco J. Ayala - 1994 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 16 (2):205 - 240.
    This paper sets forth a familiar theme, that science essentially consists of two interdependent episodes, one imaginative, the other critical. Hypotheses and other imaginative conjectures are the initial stage of scientific inquiry because they provide the incentive to seek the truth and a clue as to where to find it. But scientific conjectures must be subject to critical examination and empirical testing. There is a dialogue between the two episodes; observations made to test a hypothesis are the inspiration for new (...)
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  25.  31
    A theology for europe: Universality and particularity in Christian theology.Mark D. Chapman - 1994 - Heythrop Journal 35 (2):125–139.
    Hermeneutics, the Bible and Literary Criticism. Edited by Ann Loades and Michael McLain.The Craft of Theology: From Symbol to System. By Avery Dulles.The Shape of Soreriology. By John McIntyre.Not the Cross But the Crucfied. By H.‐E. Mertens.Verbum Curo: An Encyclopedia on Jesus, the Christ. By Michael O'Carroll.The Search for the Origins of Christian Worship: Sources and Methods for the Study of the Early Liturgy. By Paul Bradshaw.Worship: Initiation and the Churches. By Leonel L. Mitchell.The Eucharistic Mystery: Revitalizing the Tradition. (...)
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    Dei Filius IV: On Faith and Reason.Cajetan Cuddy - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (3):873-890.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Dei Filius IV:On Faith and ReasonCajetan Cuddy, O.P.In this essay, we will examine the presentation of faith and reason in the fourth chapter of the First Vatican Council's dogmatic constitution Dei Filius.1 Our examination focuses primarily on the intelligibility of the constitution's exposition of faith and reason in its fourth chapter. Secondarily it looks for the implications that this intelligible teaching bears for Catholic thought in our own contemporary (...)
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  27.  5
    Systematic Theology: Roman Catholic Perspectives ed. by Francis Schüssler Fiorenza, John P. Galvin.Gregory Rocca - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (2):305-308.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS Systematic Theology: Roman Catholic Perspectives. Edited by FRANCIS SCHUSSLER FIORENZA and JOHN P. GALVIN. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1991. Vol. 1: Pp. xv+ 336. Vol. 2: Pp. xv+ 384. $21.95 each; $39.95 set. Not too long ago a fellow Dominican who wanted to do some personal updating and retooling in theology asked me to recommend to him some hooks in Catholic systematics which would show him the lay of (...)
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  28. Críticas Às Criticas De Rawls Ao Utilitarismo.Julio Esteves - 2002 - Ethic@ 9 (1-2):157-173.
    Neste artigo, faço críticas às críticas tecidas por John Rawlscontra o utilitarismo, compreendido como teoria política, em seu livroA Theory of Justice. Esforçar-me-ei por mostrar que, ainda que outilitarismo considere a maximização da felicidade como o critério dedistinção das instituições políticas corretamente ordenadas, isso nãosignifica que ele seja indiferente a questões de justiça distributiva.Buscarei mostrar que o utilitarismo incorpora tais princípios de justiça,porque o modo como a felicidade é distribuída determina a proporçãoem que ela pode ser produzida. Além disso, como (...)
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  29.  9
    Method Divorced From Content in Theology? An Assessment of Lonergan’s Method in Theology.Terrence Reynolds - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (2):245-269.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:METHOD DIVORCED FROM CONTENT IN THEOLOGY? AN ASSESSMENT OF LONERGAN'S METHOD IN THEOLOGY TERRENCE REYNOLDS Brown University Providence, Rhode Island IN IDS INTRODUCTION to Method in Theology, Bernard Lonergan flatly maintains that he intends to· write not theology but only method in theology.1 He therefore concern himself solely with the operations theologians perform and to suspend consideration of the objects they seek to expound. He is looking for (...)
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  30.  40
    Where Does Schroedinger's “What is Life?” Belong in the History of Molecular Biology?E. J. Yoxen - 1979 - History of Science 17 (1):17-52.
  31.  9
    Pedagogy and the Practice of Science: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives.Wiebe E. Bijker, Michael Gordin, Trevor Pinch, Graeme Gooday, Hugh Gusterson & Kenji Ito - 2005 - MIT Press.
    Studies examining the ways in which the training of engineers and scientists shapes their research strategies and scientific identities.
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  32. Melanie Klein e il suo impatto sulla psicoanalisi di oggi. Roma.E. Bott Spillius - forthcoming - Astrolabio.
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  33. Poesia e storia.Note E. Rassegne - 1966 - Rivista di Estetica 11:119.
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    Études de théologie morale.Timothée Richard - 1933 - Paris,: Desclée, de Brouwer et cie..
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    Breakdown of perceptual awareness in unilateral neglect.E. Bisiach & M. L. Rusconi - 1990 - Cortex 26:643-49.
  36.  23
    Ethical Challenges in Clinical Research During the COVID-19 Pandemic.B. E. Bierer, S. A. White, J. M. Barnes & L. Gelinas - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (4):717-722.
    The sudden emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic brought global disruption to every aspect of society including healthcare, supply chain, the economy, and social interaction. Among the many emergent considerations were the safety and public health of the public, patients, essential workers, and healthcare professionals. In certain locations, clinical research was halted—or terminated—in deference to the immediate needs of patient care, and clinical trials focusing on the treatment and prevention of coronavirus infection were prioritized over studies focusing on other diseases. Difficult (...)
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  37. Il comparto sedimentario e la sua disponibilitatrofica per il macrozoobenthos in valle Fattibello e valle Spavola.G. Rossi, E. A. Fano & R. Rossi - 1999 - Laguna 5:42-51.
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  38. Azione, intenzione e doppio effetto: Metafisica e azione: Nuovi approcci al tomismo.G. E. M. Anscombe, Mario Ricciardi & Claudio Antonio Testi - 2001 - Divus Thomas 104 (2):43-61.
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  39. Ulamzhlalt Mongol orchuulgyn sudlald: ėnėkhu̇u̇ nomyg London dakhʹ Tȯvdiĭn sangiĭn tuslamzhtaĭ khėvlėv.D. Bu̇rnėė - 2003 - Ulaanbaatar: Dorno Dakhiny Gu̇n Ukhaany Khu̇n Sudlalyn Dėėd Surguulʹ. Edited by D. Ėnkhtȯr.
    Linguistic study of Mongolian traditional classical translation.
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    Logica matematica, storia E filosofia Della logica.Storia E. Filosofia Della Logica - 2001 - In V. Fano, M. Stanzione & G. Tarozzi (eds.), Prospettive Della Logica E Della Filosofia Della Scienza. Rubettino.
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  41. Partiĭnostʹ kak ėsteticheskai︠a︡ kategorii︠a︡.D. E. Donskoĭ - 1980 - Novosibirsk: Izd-vo "Nauka," Sibirskoe otd-nie. Edited by P. A. Nikolaev.
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  42. Ciò che è vivo e ciò che è morto della pedagogia di Federico Fröbel.E. Formíggini-Santamaria - 1916 - Genova: A.F. Formíggini.
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  43. Ama's e-force enters patient privacy debate.Gregory E. Kaebnick - 2001 - Hastings Center Report 31 (2):6.
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  44. I. Bernard Cohen and George E. Smith (eds): The Cambridge Companion to Newton.P. J. E. Kail - 2003 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 11 (3):540-541.
  45.  11
    Estudos de metafísica e ontologia: perspectivas de um horizonte filosófico.José Bacelar E. Oliveira - 2003 - Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda. Edited by Lúcio Craveiro da Silva.
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    Lectures on Fundamental Concepts of Algebra and Geometry.E. Jordan - 1912 - Philosophical Review 21 (6):718-719.
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    On knowing that.E. M. Adams - 1958 - Philosophical Quarterly 8 (33):300-306.
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  48. Building Bridges to Algebra through a Constructionist Learning Environment.E. Geraniou & M. Mavrikis - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 10 (3):321-330.
    Context: In the digital era, it is important to investigate the potential impact of digital technologies in education and how such tools can be successfully integrated into the mathematics classroom. Similarly to many others in the constructionism community, we have been inspired by the idea set out originally by Papert of providing students with appropriate “vehicles” for developing “Mathematical Ways of Thinking.” Problem: A crucial issue regarding the design of digital tools as vehicles is that of “transfer” or “bridging” i.e., (...)
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  49.  13
    Spinozas Philosophy.Errol E. Harris - 1993 - Humanities Press.
    Spinoza's writings on metaphysics, ethics, and politics have had a remarkably diverse reception in recent times and have contributed to the current dialogue among philosophers, intellectual historians, and literary theorists.Errol E. Harris has written a brief and simplified introductory presentation of the major branches of Spinoza's philosophy. Spinoza's ideas are put forward in plain language and supported by convincing argument. Technicalities are either clearly explained or entirely avoided. Professor Harris also shows the student how Spinoza succeeded in reconciling the insights (...)
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  50.  51
    Is Modern Science a Problem for Living as a Pyrrhonist Today? A Discussion of Richard Bett’s “Can We Be Ancient Sceptics?”.Ryan E. McCoy - 2020 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism:1-18.
    In the final chapter of his recent book How to Be a Pyrrhonist: The Practice and Significance of Pyrrhonian Skepticism, Richard Bett discusses the possibility of living as a Pyrrhonian skeptic today. Chief among his concerns is the scope of the skeptic’s suspension of judgment and whether or not the skeptic could maintain suspension of judgment in light of the results of modern science. For example, how might the skeptic sustain suspension of judgment in light of overwhelming evidence for climate (...)
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